
I've been playing around with my own version of the cellular noise node and have decided to release it for free on gumroad for anyone who's interested. It's a pretty versatile fractal pattern that can generate a lot of random looks, from fire and water to mountains and lichen.
Update 9/7/19: New improved version of the node includes more noise types and refined controls!
Update 1/8/20: Fixed some issues and added 3D Noise support
Update 5/2/20: Added controls for a seed


random fractal doodle.

random fractal doodle.

The 7 different noise types

The 7 different noise types

Some of the variation you can get from the cellular fractal node.

Some of the variation you can get from the cellular fractal node.

Simple water shader made with the cellular fractal node

Simple water shader made with the cellular fractal node

A video showing some of the looks possible with the node

The main graph showing up to 8 octaves of noise being accumulated into a pixel processor which handles the blend types for the fractal octaves

The main graph showing up to 8 octaves of noise being accumulated into a pixel processor which handles the blend types for the fractal octaves

The main pixel processor with all the neighboring cell sampling to accumulate the patterns. There are 27 instances of the cellnoise function in this graph and 8 instances of the perlin function.

The main pixel processor with all the neighboring cell sampling to accumulate the patterns. There are 27 instances of the cellnoise function in this graph and 8 instances of the perlin function.

The cellular noise function.

The cellular noise function.